Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost? An Honest Answer Exclusively Revealed

You may have considered at some stage exactly how much precisely do solar panels cost? Well, as many of us know, initially they can be extremely expensive.

A great deal of very specialized materials and engineering are involved in the manufacturing process of individual solar cells. This in simple terms means production costs are expensive which in turn leads to higher prices for us.

What is worse for us is that because of the recent surge in interest in the alternative home energy market, a bigger demand for solar technology has also pushed prices upwards. Therefore, if you already have a home energy budget or you are looking to plan a budget, the requirement to know how much solar panels will cost you is an important one.

However, believe it or not, solar power is not yet as widely used as it probably should be. This means that for the time being at least, professionally built and installed solar panels are still extremely expensive.

So how much does an individual solar panel cost?

A solar panel which would be capable of producing approximately 5 amps current would cost roughly $350. However, theres worse to come. In addition to the cost of the panel, you would require a full harnessing setup which would have to include items such as regulators, meters and brackets. This could easily cost a further $200.

Total cost for a single 5 amp unit would be approximately $500!

Heres the good news...

Recent innovations by a select group of home DIY energy enthusiasts have led to a number of high quality do-it-yourself guides and systems entering the market. These guides describe in intricate detail, how you can easily build your own single, stand alone electric system using solar electricity panels for under $200.

So, if you follow the commercial route and enlist the help of professionals, you will be probably be paying anything in the region of $25,000 - $40,000 dollars for your household. Compare that to approximately $2000 - $3000 if you wish to supply your own home by going down the do-it-yourself route!

By: James K Stewart

Monday, January 11, 2010

Five Best Alternative Energy Sources

Fossil fuels including oil, petroleum products, coal, and the like are traditional forms of energy in the United State and many other parts of the world. But these energy sources are limited and nowadays, they tend to run out and we can not reproduce them. Moreover, the consumption of these energy sources such as coal and petroleum has taken a great part in polluting the environment of our planet. This leads to many consequences like global warming, rising incidence of asthma, and rising serious diseases. As a result, alternative energy sources are adopted as a solution for this problem. There are many alternatives to fossil fuels, but here are four best alternative energy sources which are always evaluated practical and valuable.

1. Nuclear Power
This power is the potential alternative energy source to fossil fuel because it generates huge amount of electricity. Over 14 percent of the global electricity in 2007 came from nuclear power plants. However, this kind of energy has certain inherent factors and risks that can not be ignored, up to now it is still a debatable option. This is because of past issues associated with nuclear waste and this mode has terrible destruction. The fear of misuse of related technology and materials is too real in terrorism-racked world today to be ignored altogether. If we do not use it carefully and under very strict plan, it can turn our planet into cinders.

2. Hydroelectric Power
Energy derived from water is known as hydroelectricity. This type of energy is widely used in many parts of the United States. Electricity is generated by dams when high water pressure flows through turbines and causes them to spin. Hydroelectricity is among the oldest and most widely used forms of alternative energy sources. We can continue increase hydroelectric power for a long time because only a small portion of the dams are built for power generation. Moreover, this mode can provide 20% of power for human beings all over the world.

3. Solar Power
This natural energy source has been providing warmth for humans throughout the ages. The problem has always been in developing ways to collect and harness this energy so that it can be used efficiently long after the sun has gone down. Solar panels are used to collect sunlight and turn it into usable electricity. Unfortunately, typical solar panels today are only able to convert a little over 15% of the sunlight energy into electrical power. Good progress continues to be made, though, making this one of the most promising forms of alternative energy available today.

4. Wind Power
Wind power is an alternative energy source which is not expensive, easy to operate and friendly with the environment. Wind power is generate by wind turbines or windmills. You can completely make wind power if you set up windmills at the location with intense wind. Windmills are easy to set and the force of wind makes them to move, and then electricity is generated. However, wind is never punctual, so it seems to be unreliable option.

5. Tidal Energy for Coastal Areas
The naturally occurring tides in the coastal areas are a clean, renewable and cost-effective form of alternative energy. This mode employs the rise and ebb of tides that occur owing to interplay between the gravitational forces of the sun, earth and moon. Since tides are not dependent on the weather, their motions can be predicted with a fair degree of accuracy. The motion of the tidal waves is employed to firstly fill reservoirs of water. The water is then released through turbines that generate electricity.

All of us know that nothing is forever and fossil fuels are the same. We can not depend on this kind of energy too much and too long although is very important because it can be limited and even run out. Alternative energy sources are necessary to develop so that our country can have more approach for power production. These five alternative energy sources are just a few of many alternatives to fossil fuels.

The author enjoys writing and researching topics that are related to a healthy and natural lifestyle. Current areas of interest include electric generator, natural and alternative energy, gardening and living green. 

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Save The Environment With Solar Power System

These days, the world is currently facing a great economic challenge. For that reason, many people are finding ways to save money. Saving energy is one of the best things that you can do to save money. Moreover, solar power can greatly help you save energy thus reducing your household's expenses on energy bills. You can greatly save energy if you make use of home solar power system. If you make great use of it, you can even be energy independent and not subscribe from power companies.

The installation of the solar power system at home is a simple process. It can even be done in just a few days. Once you finish installing the system, you will be sure that your home will save more energy and money. Every monthly bill that you receive at your doorstep will surely be much cheaper than it was before.

Using solar power system does not only save your money, it can also help save the environment. By using solar power, you are reducing the use of fuels that can produce vast amounts of carbon dioxide, which is very harmful for the environment. Moreover, when you make use of solar power system, you are making other people aware of the things it can do for the global warming. Solar power systems are widely available in the market and you can easily avail one so that you can start saving energy.

In addition, fuels are non-renewable, which means that it will not last for future generations to come. The natural fuel source of our planet may even be depleted in a few decades. This also means that the prices of the fuel will be much higher that before. This means that you will need to pay a much expensive bill but use the same amount of energy that you consume every day. For that reason, you should start making use of solar power system. You will surely see the difference and the amount that you can save.

Moreover, the solar power system is friendly to the environment. Because the source of the energy that it generates is the sun, you are sure that it does not create anything that can bring harm to the environment. In addition, it does not produce carbon dioxide like the fuel.

Overall, if you want to save money and help the environment at the same time, you can make use of the solar power system. It is easy and simple to install. Moreover, you will surely notice the amount of energy and money that you can save. You only have to remember to inform your energy provider if you are going to make use of solar power system.

By: Darren T.Chow

Is Solar Energy For You?

Solar energy-this term basically does not cause a stirring in the mind as the explanation that comes at hand is indeed too simple. Everyone knows what is meant by solar energy, eco friendly, and that is, the energy that comes from the sun. In its most basic sense, solar energy and other solar home equipment are nonetheless environment-friendly and not risky at all. But then you need not become one fine environmentalist first before you will be able to come across with whatever advantageous benefit solar home energy has or to attain the sustainable living benefits.

Why is the solar home energy said to be environment-friendly? What are its general benefits? Practically speaking, when solar home energy is used, the electrical bills tremendously go down as compared to the other type of home energy available for all people. Why would you pay for such expensive bills when all you need to do is to employ solar home energy and go green at the same time?

Another major advantage of the solar home energy is the absence of the very complicated and dangerous wiring. Solar energy lights in the garden path or any other solar energy-powered items used in your home are ready to be installed less the wiring to be dealt with. In reality, these solar light bulbs are equipped with darkness sensors so they need not be turned on to give off light and they need not be turned off as well when they are no longer needed.

As a sort of simple explanation, the solar light bulbs will simply have to be purchased, taken out of the boxes, installed, and then presto! You just have to situate them where you want them to be and never worry about them ever again.

A List of the Benefits of Solar home Energy

Why is the solar home energy equally beneficial? Why is it more recommended for use? Here are some of its benefits which are truly worth the attention to be graced by anyone:

Solar home energy is environmentally friendly. As mentioned a while ago, solar home energy will not harm the environmental features. It is specifically clean and renewable as well. More so, it does not cause pollution just like what the rest of the traditional electrical forms do.

Solar home energy systems need the least maintenance. They are not fuel-powered so no need to buy the refills.

Solar home energy makes you save a lot of money. The energy that is derived from the sun can be accessed for free as you make use of solar lights, solar panels, and the likes. The federal government most of the time gives out financial incentives. You don't get affected by the rise of the fuel rates since you are using solar home energy.

Making use of the solar home energy makes you entirely independent from the foreign and centralized energy sources. Power outages will not likely affect you in any manner.

Most of the solar energy items are very easy to install thus lessening the complicated work of the wiring systems.

Some Common Disadvantages of the Solar Home Energy

Of course the disadvantages will not be taken aside. Here are some of the most common disadvantages of the solar home energy:

The employment of a solar home energy can be expensive at first. But as time passes by, it becomes light to the pocket.

The strength of the solar home energy will relatively depend on the location of your home in relation with its facing to the sun. Also, the area of your home is another point to consider. You will need large areas to install the solar panels.

The Various Solar Energy Items

There are lots of solar energy devices that you may opt to buy. Included are the solar flashlights, solar heaters, car ventilators, solar video cameras, solar radios, solar pool purifier, solar mosquito inhibitor, solar lighting, and solar fountain pumps.

What You Must Do

Back in the earlier years, solar energy powered devices were very costly that very few homeowners made use of the solar home energy. But these days, small volumes of solar energy devices are put up for sale therefore making it affordable for all. If you don't have enough money to fund these items you can always start small.

By: Carol Marie

The Benefits of Having Homemade Solar Cells

If there ought to be something that you have heard about installing homemade solar cells that is quite misleading, it is that you will need to shell out a lot of money for it. The truth is that one can easily assemble homemade solar cells in their homes and begin enjoying huge amounts of savings in energy bills each month.

About two years ago, having homemade solar cells could sell a person short by over a thousand dollars at the onset. This is how much it would usually cost to take on a local contractor who will set up your place to utilize this particular natural energy. But to be frank about it, the system behind this contraption is not precisely that of rocket science.

A lot of people have been following a distinctively designed plan to construct their very own homemade solar cells at a fairly cheap rate. At around two hundred dollars, you can actually start gathering the benefits of utilizing the sun's energy. That particular price is but a mere fraction of the actual cost if you would have chosen to hire a professional to do the installation.

Several do-it-yourself guides and plans are now being made available to almost anybody who is planning to cut down on his electricity bills. However, you may want to be extra cautious in dealing with free plans that claim to assist you in doing so, since most of them are really difficult and too complex for an average man to follow and usually lack many important details.

There are several instructional guides that are pretty good that you can get for only fifty dollars or less. The ones that come with step-by-step directions on video are what you should preferably get because they will undoubtedly make the whole process a lot easier for you.

Majority of what you will need can be bought from any local hardware store. The basic things like glass sheets, plywood, and copper wires can be found there. You might even already have these things in your garage. For your photovoltaic arrays, they may be procured at a very affordable rate with your local supplier or over the Internet.

What is rather amazing about this project is that it allows you to start out small. You are able to produce enough power for simple appliances, like your computer, TV, or small lights. Later on, you can gradually add more panels that can sufficiently supply power to run your entire household. That will definitely take you off the grid.

Not sure of what to do with the excess electricity you produce? Sell it to your local electric company. Not only will you be getting the extra money, you will also be helping out the environment. That is why the idea of using homemade solar cells has all the benefits put together in one neat package.

Tired of high electric bills? Discover how thousands of families are using homemade solar power systems to power their homes!

Home Built Solar Power System - Professionally Build Your Own Solar Generators

Do you want to learn how to make your own home built solar power system? More and more people all over the world are using renewable energy sources to power their homes. This is becoming so popular mostly because of never decreasing energy costs.

Many people have the idea in their heads that this can be very costly, and it can. But, if you learn how to make your own home solar power system you can save tons of money. Also if you can find the right guide to follow you can turn out professional quality solar panels.

There are four main components of a home built solar power system. These are:

Solar Panels - These can be quite expensive if purchased retail and the best way to save some cash is to build them yourself. Source out a good guide and follow it correctly and you shouldn't have a problem.

Batteries - Deep cycle batteries, such as marine batteries, are most common for residential solar systems.

Charge Controller - These moderate the amount of power transferred from the solar panels to the battery. They also help in keeping the batteries from over charging and trickle charge them to help maintain a long life.

Inverter - When your energy is stored in your deep cycle batteries off your home built solar power system, it is stored as Direct Current (DC). In order to be able to use it for household appliances the power must be converted to Alternating Current (AC). That is the job of a power inverter. 

Create a Cheap Home Solar Power System to Save Money on Energy Costs

There has never been a better time to save money while helping the environment. It always seems as though most people want to do one or the other, but since there are a very few ways that you can do both at the same time, it is worth considering any method you can find that will do it all. One way to save both money and the environment is by using a cheap home solar power system in the home. If you were to do a search online, you would find that there are many different plans available that will allow for the creation of a solar system with only a few inexpensive materials.

If you are serious about saving some money on your energy costs, you will find that there is no better solution than building solar power panels yourself. Gathering the necessary materials is the first step you will want to take. You will want to shop around a little to find the best prices so that your savings will add up much quicker than if you were to use more expensive materials. Once you have all of the materials on hand, you will be able to build some usable and cheap home solar power.

The most essential material that is needed is a small solar panel, of either 12 or 16 volts, which can often be found at a price of around $100. You will find that larger solar panels cost a lot more as they will be able to power larger appliances for a longer time, but if you are only going to be starting out with a small project, you will want a small panel instead. In order to create your own solar power system, you will also need to locate a 12 volt battery that is capable of being used continuously and is also rechargeable. In order to obtain the energy from the sunlight and build this project you will also need a 12 volt DC meter and a DC input to create the system. An inverter may also be necessary if you would like to run AC appliances. This will allow the sun's energy to be converted from DC to a usable AC current.

By attaching the solar panel, the DC meter, and the DC input to the battery, you will be able to easily create cheap home solar power that you can use to power your small appliances. Allow the solar panel to remain in the direct sunlight for 5 to 8 hours and your dead battery will be ready to go.

by: Sanno Zaye